Friday, November 5, 2010


NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month is a month of craziness. For 30 days hundreds.... no thousands of writers commit to getting 50k of a novel written. There are tons of anti nano sentiment out there. For me, I think it is awesome.

Nano challenges us to move beyond our normal writing selves and, without internal editing, without fear of "Is this right or not?" and just.... write.

Some of my favorite characters came to life in the crazy days of nano.

Was it crappy? Yes. But it was written. It was out of my head, giving me room to think up new stories and new ideas.

Will it ever be published? who knows? My resolution for next year is to get to editing the piles of stories sitting on my hard drive.

NaNo took a lot out of me. It was/is exhausting.
It also gave me the opportunity to create, to write under a deadline. I have the confidence, the understanding that yes I can write a book. And if I can write it, then I know I can get it published too.

You know what nano has really truly given me? Confidence.

Replacing the LJ

I am getting more and more frustrated with livejournal. I am rarely over there anymore. ahh well.